ReactJS, a JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook, revolutionizes the creation of dynamic user interfaces for web applications. Since its 2013 launch, ReactJS has grown to become an essential component of contemporary web development. React's fundamental component-based architecture enables programmers to deconstruct intricate user interfaces into modular, reusable building pieces. React is unique in that it makes effective use of a virtual DOM, reducing needless changes and improving application performance.
ReactJS development company uses JSX, a syntactic extension that makes it easier to create and maintain user interface components by seamlessly integrating HTML-like code into JavaScript. With a thriving community and wide-ranging ecosystem, React's declarative approach has cemented its status as the preferred framework for creating scalable and interactive online apps.
React provides advantages to developers of mobile apps via React Native. Developers may leverage React principles to create cross-platform mobile applications with React Native, sharing a large amount of the codebase between web and mobile platforms. This guarantees uniformity across several platforms and expedites development efforts. So, if you are wondering, why should you choose ReactJS for your next project, this can be one of the best reasons.
Original Source: ReactJS vs AngularJS: Which is the Best Framework for You?